We are very pleased to announce that next month, we will be hosting a workshop on the ggplot2 R package. Read on to find out more, and please note: limited places available! If you’ve ever stuck to R base graphics because ggplot2 seemed too complicated, this is your chance to...

This month’s meeting will be held on Wednesday 19th of April, at 5.00pm, in Chrystal MacMillan Building, Seminar Room 2 (same as G.02). As usual, the meeting will be followed by drinks and chat in the Potting Shed. Everyone is welcome, particularly newcomers and/or beginners! Our first speaker is Victoria...

Our next meeting will be held on Wednesday 15th of March, at 5.00pm, in LG.11, David Hume Tower (on the lower ground floor - map below). As usual, the meeting will be followed by drinks and chat in the Potting Shed. Meetings are open for all to attend and newcomers/beginners...

Our next meeting will be held on Wednesday 15th of February, at 5.00pm, in LG.11, David Hume Tower (on the lower ground floor - map below). As usual, the meeting will be followed by drinks and chat in the Potting Shed. Meetings are open for all to attend and newcomers/beginners...

Hello everyone and welcome back from the winter holidays! We hope you are ready for another year of R talks. These past few months, we’ve been improving our website: we are pleased to say we’ve now added a search bar, and you can now also leave us comments at the...