We are now approaching the end of 2016, and no further EdinbR meetings will be taking place until January 18, 2017 - when we hope to see many of you around again! Over the course of this year, we have had no fewer than 17 excellent talks, on topics such...

The next meeting will be held on Wednesday 16th of November at 5.30pm in Room LG.11 in David Hume Tower, followed by drinks and chat in the Potting Shed. We are very pleased to welcome Dr Colin Gillespie as our speaker this month. Colin is a senior statistics lecturer at...

The next meeting will be held on Wednesday 19th of October at 5.30pm in Room LG.11 in David Hume Tower. This will invariably be followed by drinks and chat in the pub (probably the Potting Shed). We have two speakers: Roman Popat: Developing and hosting an R ‘app’ on AWS....

The next meeting will be held on Wednesday 21st of September at 5.30pm in Room LG.11 in David Hume Tower. Please note a change from the usual venue - we should hopefully be in this new room from now on. This will invariably be followed by drinks and chat in...