EdinbR: The Edinburgh R User Group
Local meetups and training for the R programming language
March 2025: Oooh, R and response survey analysis
Oooh, R and response survey analysis Date: Thursday 27 March 2025, 6.00PM - 7.30PM Location: LG08 40 George Square The University of Edinburgh, EH8 9LX Register: https://www.meetup.com/edinbr/events/306722765 Hamdullah Tunç: Using Response Surface Analysis to Examine the Role of Similarities in Dyadic Relations on Outcomes Hamdullah Tunç is a PhD researcher...
February 2025: No likelihood? No problem! — Bayesian Statistics in R
No likelihood? No problem! — Bayesian Statistics in R Date: Thursday 27 February 2025, 6.00PM - 7.30PM Location: LG.11 40 George Square The University of Edinburgh, EH8 9LX Register: https://www.meetup.com/edinbr/events/306226785/ Isabella Deutsch: R You Ready for ABC? Likelihood-Free Bayesian Inference in Action. Isabella Deutsch recently completed a PhD in Statistics...
March 2024: Survival analysis and travelling comedians
Hi everyone, It’s nearly/kind-of spring! This month we’re welcoming back old favourite Nevil, along with a new speaker from St Andrews: Chia Liu. We’re meeting in Appleton Tower, 2.11 at 5.30pm on Friday 22nd Mar. Register here: https://www.meetup.com/edinbr/events/299748066 Survival analysis in R Chia Liu is an Associate Lecturer at the...
February 2024: Supercharge your R practice with pair programming
Hi everyone, Happy Lunar New Year, it’s the year of the dragon! This month we’re doing something a little different and running a workshop. Please bring a laptop with R and RStudio (or some other IDE) installed, as well as the tidyverse. We’re meeting in 50 George Square, G.05 at...
January 2024: Rolling statistics and moving windows
Hi everyone, Happy New Year, it’s 2024! This month we’re meeting in 50 George Square, G.06 at 5.30pm on Friday 26th Jan. We’ve two talks on rolling statistics, or moving windows. Register here: https://www.meetup.com/edinbr/events/298492818 Jan Gorecki came to R around 2013 when databases happened to be not enough for data...