EdinbR: The Edinburgh R User Group
Local meetups and training for the R programming language
November 2023: health analysis - regression and economic inactivity
Hi everyone, November is here already. This month we’re meeting in 50 George Square, G.05 at 5pm on Friday 24th Nov. We’ve two talks on health data and analysis. Register here: https://www.meetup.com/edinbr/events/297376476 Steven Kerr is a Chancellor’s Fellow in the Usher Institute at the University of Edinburgh. He has PhDs...
October 2023: network analysis and shiny in production
Hi everyone, A new year, a new you! Come along this Oct to develop your R skills at our session in the Appleton Tower AT_2.14 at 5pm on Friday 27th Oct. Register here: https://www.meetup.com/edinbr/events/296699530 Carmen Cabrera-Arnau is a Lecturer in Geographic Data Science at the Department of Geography and Planning...
May 2023: mobile phone data and big(ger) data workflows
Hi everyone, Third in a row! We’re continuing with another great session in Mid May in the Lister Learning and Teaching Centre, room LLTC_3.3 (https://www.ed.ac.uk/timetabling-examinations/timetabling/room-bookings/bookable-rooms3/room/0335_03_3.3). Register here: Dr Michael Sinclair is a Research Associate in Digital Footprints Data at the Urban Big Data Centre and Principle Investigator of the ESRC...
April 2023: Technical interviews and statistics.gov.scot access
Hi everyone, We’re on a roll! After a full house last month, we’re continuing with another great session in late April in Appleton Tower AT_2.12. Register here: https://www.meetup.com/edinbr/events/292833127/ Gordon Bryden is a senior assistant statistician at the Scottish Government. Nevil Hopley is head of Mathematics at George Watsons School and...
March 2023: 15 minute cities and ROC curves
Hi everyone, Our first in-person event in THREE YEARS is imminent! The session is happening in Appleton Tower, room AT_2.05 at 17:30 on 16th March. Register here: https://www.meetup.com/edinbr/events/292017485 Alessia Calafiore is a Lecturer in Sustainability and Urban Data Science at the Edinburgh Future Institute and the Edinburgh School of Architecture...