Hi all, This month we’ve got two great talks lined up, so we hope you’ll join us in hearing about Shiny apps, and gamms models. The meeting will be held on Wednesday 18th of October, at 5.30pm, in G.06, 50 George Square (on the ground floor - see map below)....

Hello everyone, and welcome back after the summer break! We’re about to start another year of EdinbR talks - so get ready. This month, our lineup includes talks on plotting postcodes on Google Maps, and bioacoustics & sound / speech analysis. The meeting will be held on Wednesday 20th of...

Hello everyone, This evening was our last EdinbR meeting for this academic year. We’ll be meeting again in September, and we hope to see many of you there! Since September 2016, we have had a great lineup of speakers: no fewer than 13 presenting diverse topics, such as data viz,...

This month’s meeting will be held on Wednesday, 21st of June, at 5.00pm, in Chrystal MacMillan Building, Seminar Room 2 (same as G.02). Special things are planned for this meeting: we have some prizes from the awesome GitKraken team to give away! So come along to get a raffle ticket,...