
Hi everyone,

Our upcoming meeting will be held on Wednesday 21st of March, at 5.30pm, in room G.06, 50 George Square (see map below). As usual, the meeting will be followed by drinks and chat in the Potting Shed. Our meetings are open for all to attend, and newcomers / beginners are very welcome!

Our first speaker is Dr Milan Valášek, postdoctoral tutor in Statistics, within the Department of Psychology at the University of Edinburgh. In this talk, he will be telling us about:

Testing GUI apps (code here)

At two previous meetings, we discussed building interactive GUI applications (David C Sterratt, 20 January 2016, see here) and programmatic code testing (Dave Evans, 17 February 2016, see here). The present talk is motivated by a question that arose at the former of the two meetings, bringing these topics together: How do you build programmatic unit tests for R GUI apps? I will present one way of answering this question, using the tcltk package for building GUI apps in Tcl/Tk and the testthat package for programmatic code testing.

Our second speaker is Dr Elliot Meador, researcher of rural economy and society, at Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC). He will be talking about:

Quantifying networks using survey data: Things your parents don’t want you to know… (R code included here)

Social networks lie at the heart of many prominent social theories, and survey-driven research is a lasting methodology used in the social sciences. In this talk, I review some approaches to conducting network analysis using survey data. Specifically, I use R’s igraph package and the tidyverse to create useful and easily understandable networks from survey data collected in rural areas in Sub-Saharan Africa. The following topics will be discussed:
1. Moving between graph types (i.e. creating bipartite graphs);
2. Using iterative approaches to matching node ID’s (a common problem in found in the research design);
3. Tidying graph metrics; and
4. Creating informative network plots, as well as elegant ggplots.

For any newcomers, here’s a map of where we’ll be.

See you there!

Caterina Constantinescu

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Dr. Caterina Constantinescu

Data scientist @ The Data Lab, University of Edinburgh.

If you would like to sponsor EdinbR, please get in touch!

• Content CC-BY 4.0 licensed.

EdinbR: The Edinburgh R User Group

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