Hello everyone,
This evening was our last EdinbR meeting for this academic year. We’ll be meeting again in September, and we hope to see many of you there!
Since September 2016, we have had a great lineup of speakers: no fewer than 13 presenting diverse topics, such as data viz, statistical models offered in various R
packages, and several talks which were more heavily programming-oriented. We’ve also hosted one ggplot2
workshop, which we will try to repeat in the next academic year.
By the way, Keif the kraken says hello. At the last meeting, two of our attendees went home with some GitKraken T-shirts. We’re always looking for sponsors, so if you would like to sponsor EdinbR, please contact us. More funding can bring more external speakers!
We hope you have a great summer, and maybe have a think if you too want to present something at EdinbR. If so, please get in touch with us!
See you in September,
Caterina Constantinescu