
Hi everyone,

I hope you’ve all enjoyed the break and look forward to seeing you again at our next meeting! It will take place on the 25th of September, from 6.00pm, in the Usha Kasera Lecture Theatre (in Old College). As usual, the meeting will be open for all to attend, and newcomers / beginners are very welcome!

Our two speakers this month have collaborated to interactively explore clusters within the Scottish economy. Gordon Bryden (Assistant Statistician at The Office of the Chief Economic Advisor) & Benjamin Hansson (Assistant Statistician within the Scottish Government) will therefore be discussing:

Identifying Industry Clusters in the Scottish Economy with R and Shiny

(slides here and here)

In this talk, we will discuss our latest efforts to visualise the Scottish Economy as a network consisting of clustered groups of related industries using R and Shiny. We will begin with the basics on networks and clustering before moving on to the algorithm and implementation that we chose to analyse the Scottish Economy. We then give an introduction to R Shiny, a package used to create interactive web apps, and show off our network visualisation and editing app. Finally, we will discuss how we can improve this ongoing project and future applications of our networking efforts in analysing the Scottish economy. We have used the NetworkToolbox library for the implementation of the main algorithm. The packages dplyr and tidyr were used for data manipulation, plotly and igraph are used for visualisations, and of course Shiny is used to build a convenient user interface. All data used will be made available for download, and the code will be shared via GitHub (see slides above for links).

Identifying Industry Clusters in the Scottish Economy with R and Shiny

Our two speakers this month have collaborated to interactively explore clusters within the Scottish economy.

Here is a map of where we’ll be hosting the meeting (which will be followed by a trip to the nearby Soul Nation pub):

See you there!

Caterina Constantinescu

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Dr. Caterina Constantinescu

Data scientist @ The Data Lab, University of Edinburgh.

If you would like to sponsor EdinbR, please get in touch!

• Content CC-BY 4.0 licensed.

EdinbR: The Edinburgh R User Group

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