
Hi everyone,

Our next meeting will take place on the 17th of April, from 5.30pm, in Appleton Tower, room 2.14 (see the map below for further details). As usual, the meeting will be open for all to attend, and newcomers / beginners are very welcome!

Our first speaker is Ksenia Aleksankina, Data Scientist at TravelNest. She will be discussing how to go:

From laptop to cloud: making R work on Amazon AWS

(slides here)

This talk looks at various ways R can be used within Amazon Web Services: from setting up and running an RStudio Server and a Shiny Server using Amazon Machine Image to deploying R code. Using some simple examples I will demonstrate how to set up an EC2 instance (a virtual server), analyse data stored in S3 (Amazon Simple Storage Service), and host a Shiny app.

Our second speaker will be Liam Mason, GIS Analyst at Marine Scotland. His talk will focus on:

Improving Accessibility in Data Visualisation #EndTheRainbow

(slides here)

Rainbow colour schemes are commonly used in data visualisation, particularly in climate science & meteorology. Liam will demonstrate how these colour scales can distort, mislead, and confuse your message, and offer some advice on how to improve your use of colour.

R on AWS & Accessibility in Data Visualisation

Wed, Apr 17, 2019, 5:30 PM: Please join us for our upcoming April meeting, in Appleton Tower, room 2.14! All welcome for the talks, as well as drinks afterwards in the nearby St. Andrews Brewing Co. p

Here is a map of where we’ll be for the meeting, followed by a trip to the nearby St. Andrews Brewing Co. pub:

See you there!

Caterina Constantinescu

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Dr. Caterina Constantinescu

Data scientist @ The Data Lab, University of Edinburgh.

If you would like to sponsor EdinbR, please get in touch!

• Content CC-BY 4.0 licensed.

EdinbR: The Edinburgh R User Group

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