Hi everyone,
Our next meeting will take place on the 20th of February, from 5.30pm, in Appleton Tower, room 2.12 (see the map below for further details + sign-up link via Meetup, due to limited space). This session will to include an interesting, first-hand account of rstudio::conf sessions (January 15 - January 18, 2019, Austin, TX). As usual, the meeting will be open for all to attend, and newcomers / beginners are very welcome!
Our first speaker is Cameron Fairfield, Clinical Research Fellow for Edinburgh Surgery Online. He will be discussing:
RStudio::Conf 2019 - The Best Bits
(slides here)
RStudio::conf is a great setting in which to hear the latest developments in R and to meet package developers. I’ll mention some of the highlights from the conference including new packages, best practices for data analysis and other new developments from the RStudio team. I’ll demonstrate some of the techniques learned from specialised workshops and give you good reason to book RStudio::conf 2020.
Our second speaker is Mirjam Eiswirth, PhD student in Linguistics & English Language. Mirjam will illustrate what beginners just starting out with R can achieve using the tidyverse
, lubridate
, and ggplot2
. Details below:
A real game-changeR: quantified self with the tidyverse
, lubridate
, and ggplot2
(html here)
Starting to learn R and statistics can be extremely daunting for someone who has never identified as ‘a numbers person’. In this talk, I show how a question and project I am really passionate about helped me go from complete beginR to
-aficionada. I focus on the usefulness of pipes, mutating and summarising data, merging different dataframes,lubridate
, and visualising results withggplot2
. I talk about these packages and functions in the context of my first project, which was an analysis of sources of blood glucose variability in Type 1 Diabetes – and the life-changing impact the results have had.
You can read more about Mirjam’s research using R on her blog.
February meeting: RStudio::Conf 2019 and introductory R walkthrough
As usual, our February session will be open for all to attend, and newcomers / beginners are very welcome! Our first speaker this month is Cameron Fairfield, Clinical Research Fellow for Edinburgh Surgery Online. He will be discussing: > RStudio::Conf 2019 - The Best Bits RStudio::conf is a great setting in which to hear the latest developments in R and to meet package developers.
Here is a map of where we’ll be for the meeting, followed by a trip to the nearby St. Andrews Brewing Co. pub:
See you there!
Caterina Constantinescu