The next meeting will be held on Wednesday 19th of October at 5.30pm in Room LG.11 in David Hume Tower.
This will invariably be followed by drinks and chat in the pub (probably the Potting Shed).
We have two speakers:
I recently tinkered with developing and deploying a dashboard app on AWS. It is a collection of R scripts that live and run in the cloud. The task was to monitor the UK data science job market. I will give a high level overview of how it is structured and what tools are out there to help you do this using R. The app can be viewed here
- Duncan Garmonsway: Unpivot the impossible with unpivotr and tidyxl
Tables with multi-level headers and formatting that encodes information are good for humans but bad for computers. But two new R packages can take you from spreadsheet-import-hell to tidy-data-heaven. Tidyxl imports .xlsx (Excel) spreadsheets, including formatting, without lossy coercion into ill-fitting tabular structures. Unpivotr provides tools for converting tables with complex or irregular layouts to a standard columnar structure. In this talk I will motivate the use of human intelligence rather than artificial intelligence to untangle difficult data layouts, demonstrate how proximity is more expressive than position when associating data cells with headers, and survey related developments in this area.
For any newcomers (you’re very welcome!), here’s a map of where we’ll be.
Meetings are open for all to attend (e.g. no University of Edinburgh card required). Hope to see you there!
EdinbR Team