
Multi-level models in R

Our next meeting will take place on Wednesday 20th April, 5.30pm in Room LG.11 in David Hume Tower in the south-east corner of George Square

Note different venue: Map here

Ian White will talk about Mixed-effects models in R.

Abstract: Following a short review of available packages, I will give some illustrative examples of data for which the mixed model might be appropriate, and discuss the analysis of these data with either lme (in package nlme) or lmer (in package lme4).

We’ll head to the Potting Shed after.

Meetings are open for all to attend (e.g. no University of Edinburgh card required). Hope to see you there! Please share widely.

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Timothy Bates

I research the causes and consequences of individual differences at the University of Edinburgh.

If you would like to sponsor EdinbR, please get in touch!

• Content CC-BY 4.0 licensed.

EdinbR: The Edinburgh R User Group

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