
Happy new year everyone! The first EdinbR meeting of 2016 will be:

Wednesday January 20th, 5-6pm in S1, 7 George Square.

This month we have two excellent talks lined up.

gWidgets2 ( provides a toolkit-independent API for building interactive GUIs on Windows, Mac and Linux. At present GTK is the best supported toolkit on the three operating systems. I will demonstrate building a GUI with gWidgets and discuss the pros and cons of the package.

Time series data is everywhere and so having a toolkit with which to analyse this type of data is generally useful. I’ll be talking about seasonal-trend decomposition in R using the stl() function. Its an easy and powerful way to separate seasonal and trend effects in any time series. I will discuss the basis of the technique, how easy it is to use in R and some examples of how it can be applied.

We’re having a pub social afterwards in the Potting Shed (just around the corner). If you can’t make the talks you are more than welcome to join us in the pub from 6pm onwards.

For any newcomers (you’re very welcome!), here’s a map of where we’ll be.

Meetings are open for all to attend (e.g. no University of Edinburgh card required). Hope to see you there!

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EdinbR: The Edinburgh R User Group

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