The next EdinbR meeting will be:
Wednesday September 16th, 5-6pm in S1, 7 George Square
Two great talks in the September meeting of the Edinburgh R user group to bring in the new (academic) year:
The plyr package, by Nick Kennedy
One of the more common tasks when processing data is to take a data object, split it up in some way, do something to the component pieces and then join the result back up together. This is often referred to as the ‘split-apply-combine’ paradigm. Base R offers a number of useful functions for doing this, including lapply and sapply. The plyr package extends this and offers a whole family of -ply functions which take vectors, lists, arrays or data.frames as input and operate on them in a consistent manner. This talk aims to give an overview of how to use plyr to make data processing easier, and also introduces some of the additional functionality that plyr offers including easy ways to view progress of a task and to parallelise code where multiple cores are available.Slides also available in Rmarkdown, Markdown and HTML formats.
Analysing text data with R, by Mhairi McNeill
A very quick introduction to the tm package, for doing text mining. I’ll cover reading in data, cleaning the data and some basic analysis you can do in R.Code and data available at Mhairi’s github page.
For any newcomers (you’re very welcome!), here’s a map of where we’ll be:
Meetings are open for all to attend (e.g. no University of Edinburgh card required). Hope to see you there!