As you may have seen on our mailing list, there’s no EdinbR meeting this month (July 2015). There’s two (probably related) reasons for this: a lot of people are away at conferences or on holiday and we have no volunteer speakers!
EdinbR will be back August 19th (third Wednesday of the month) at 7 George Square, we’ll announce the details nearer the time.
Anyone is welcome to speak at EdinbR, you needn’t be an “expert” in the language (as we saw from our survey, the majority of members self-describe as being beginner or intermediate level R users), so if you have a topic in mind you’re interested in why not sign up to give a talk?
If you’re stuck for ideas, here is a popularity ranking of some potential R talk topics, again from our survey a few months back:
You can contact us as to volunteer, or catch us in person at the August meeting!