
The next EdinbR meeting will be:

Wednesday May 20th, 5-6pm in S1, 7 George Square

We decided last meeting that 7 George Square would be our permanent venue for the time being, so we’ve booked a few meetings in advance for the 3rd Wednesday of each month, if you want to mark these in your diaries those dates will be:

  1. May 20th
  2. June 17th
  3. July 15th
  4. August 19th
  5. September 16th

Back to this meeting — we have two great talks lined up:

  • Introduction to R-Shiny, by Alastair Kerr (Bioinformatics Core Facility Manager, Wellcome Trust Centre for Cell Biology, University of Edinburgh)
    Shiny is a package from RStudio that makes it incredibly easy to build interactive web applications with R. In this talk I will introduce the basics of the R-shiny package and server and demonstrate how a few lines of code can get a fully functional app for data exploration. I’ll show examples where it has been very useful in our Bioinformatics Core Facility for creating interactive tables and figures for our users.

  • Building interactive plots (the easy way) in R, by Ben Moore (Bioinformatics PhD student)
    I’ll show some examples of how you can create interactive javascript plots in R without any js knowledge using the rCharts package as well as newer spin-out packages like leaflet and rcdimple. I’ll talk about the growing trend of gluing together R and web libraries using htmlwidgets, and even more broadly how online interlanguage function repositories can be accessed from R.

Here’s a reminder of where we’ll be, note you do not need a University of Edinburgh card to enter, the meeting is open to anyone interested in coming!

Hope to see you there!

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Ben Moore

I'm a bioinformatics PhD student and R-ficionado at the University of Edinburgh.

If you would like to sponsor EdinbR, please get in touch!

• Content CC-BY 4.0 licensed.

EdinbR: The Edinburgh R User Group

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